Maryam Honari

maryamjhonari [at) g|\/|ail dot com

I’m a Machine Learning Engineer at Unity Technologies contributing to ML-agents toolkit. My focus is on leveraging Reinforcement and imitation learning to training intelligent agents, including providing a user-friendly package for state of the art methods and maintaining an open source project.

I received my Master’s degree degree under supervision of Dr. Alona Fyshe from Computer Science Department University of Victoria where I studied Natural language processing (NLP), machine learning and their applications to understand language composition in human brain.


Sep 15, 2021 If you’re attending GHC 2021 make sure to checkout our talk, “Enabling Cooperative Behaviors in Multiplayer Games Using Deep Reinforcement Learning”.
Mar 20, 2021 “Neural representation of words within phrases” is accepted in PLOS ONE.
Feb 1, 2021 I joined Unity technologies as a Machine Learning Engineer.

selected publications

  1. PloS one
    Neural representation of words within phrases: Temporal evolution of color-adjectives and object-nouns during simple composition
    PloS one 2021
  2. Thesis
    Decoding semantic representations during production of minimal adjective-noun phrases
    Honari-Jahromi, Maryam
  3. EMNLP
    Ensemble methods for native language identification
    In Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications 2017